



● Franziska Weber, “The Law and Economics of Enforcing European Consumer Law - A Comparative Analysis of Package Travel and Misleading Advertising”. Ashgate (2014) 334 págs.
In the internet age, the need for effective consumer law enforcement has arguably never been greater. This timely book is a comparative law and economic analysis of the changing landscape of EU consumer law enforcement policy. EU member states are moving away from purely public or private law enforcement and now appear to be moving towards a more mixed approach, not least due to European legislation. This book reflects on the need for and creation of efficient enforcement designs. It examines the various economic factors according to which the efficiency of different enforcement mechanisms can be assessed. Hypothetical case scenarios within package travel and misleading advertising, dealing with substantial individual harm and trifling and widespread harm are used to illustrate various consumer law problems. Design suggestions on how to optimally mix enforcement mechanisms for these case scenarios are developed. The findings are then used as a benchmark to assess real life situations in countries with different enforcement traditions - the Netherlands, Sweden and England.
The book is of value to both researchers and policy-makers working in the area of consumer protection.
Contents:  Foreword; Preface; Introduction; Part I Optimal Enforcement Mixes (Analysis): Existing enforcement mechanisms; Framework to assess enforcement designs; Assessing strengths and weaknesses of existing law enforcement systems; Combining enforcement mechanisms efficiently for specific case scenarios. Part II Country Studies (Comparison): The Netherlands; Sweden; England. Part III Conclusions: Conclusions. Bibliography; Index.
About the Author:  Jun. Prof. Dr. Franziska Weber is Junior Professor for Civil Law and Law and Economics at the University of Hamburg, Germany.
Reviews:  ‘Until recently, consumer policy has mainly focussed on enabling consumer choice by requiring traders to inform consumers properly. Whether this policy is actually effective has not obtained much attention. This topical book fills that gap by focussing on the enforcement of consumer protection laws from the perspective of law and economics.’
Marco B.M. Loos, Centre for the Study of European Contract Law, Amsterdam, Netherlands
'Weber’s study - very convincingly - advocates a mixture of public and private law elements for the enforcement of consumer rights. The selected cases offer wonderful examples of the various objectives which legislatures must keep in mind, and her profound economic analysis offers well-balanced solutions which should be taken into account by lawmakers when considering new efforts for the protection of consumer rights.'
Astrid Stadler, University of Konstanz, Germany
Véase: http://www.ashgate.com/isbn/9781472417060
Cesáreo Gutiérrez Espada, “Pons Rafols, X. (ed.), Alimentación y Derecho internacional: normas, instituciones y procesos”. Revista española de Derecho internacional, Vol. 66 nº 1 (2014) 370-372. Véase:  http://lajuridica.es/ALIMENTACION-Y-DERECHO-INTERNACIONAL-NORMAS-INSTITUCIONES-Y-PROCESOS-9788415948155
Artículos de revista:
● Robert J. Aalberts y Alexander Nilla, “Legal and Ethical Challenges of Online Behavioral Targeting in Advertising”. Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising, Vol. 35 nº 2 (2014) 126-146. Abstract: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10641734.2014.899529#.U2IvhelZpjo
Cecilia Díaz Méndez e Isabel García Espejo, “La mirada sociológica hacia la alimentación: análisis crítico del desarrollo de la investigación en el campo alimentario”. Política y Sociedad, Vol. 51 nº 1 (2014) 15-49: http://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/POSO/article/view/42472/42442
Elena Espeitx Bernat y otros, “El papel de la información en las cogniciones y percepciones hacia nuevas tecnologías aplicadas a los alimentos”. Política y Sociedad, Vol. 51 nº 1 (2014) 95-120: http://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/POSO/article/download/42482/42445
● Fernando Esteban de la Rosa, “Vías alternativas de acceso del consumidor a la justicia en la contratación internacional”. Revista de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Granada, nº 13-14 (2010-2011) 101-138.
● Abel Estoa Pérez, “Novedades en la protección de los consumidores de electricidad”. Revista de administración pública, nº 193 (2014) 375-406.
● Nicolas Ferrier y Anne-Cécile Martin, “Loi relative à la consommation en faveur des consommateurs... et de certains professionnels - À propos de la loi nº 2014-344 du 17 mars 2014”. Semaine juridique, nº 13 (2014) 590-594.
María de Lourdes Ferrando Villalba, “Preferentes y otros instrumentos financieros de riesgo: deber de información y buena fe (a propósito de la STS de 18 de abril de 2013)”. Revista Aranzadi Doctrinal, nº 2 (2014) 93-115.
Mabel Gracia-Arnaiz, “Comer o no comer ¿es esa la cuestión?: una aproximación antropológica al estudio de los trastornos alimentarios”. Política y Sociedad, Vol. 51 nº 1 (2014) 73-94: http://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/POSO/article/view/42487/42443 
Rosa Milà Rafel, “Intervención provocada, costas procesales y relevancia de la actitud procesal de la parte actora en los procesos sobre responsabilidad por vicios constructivos”. Universitat Pompeu Fabra (2014): http://blog.uclm.es/cesco/files/2014/04/Intervención-provocada-costas-procesales-y-relevancia-de-la-actitud-procesal-de-la-parte-actora-en-los-procesos-sobre-responsabilidad-por-vicios-constructivos.pdf
● Vandana Munjal, “Country of Origin Effects on Consumer Behavior”. International Journal for Research in Management and Pharmacy, Vol. 3 nº 3 (2014) 38-47: http://raijmr.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/5_38-47-Vandana-Munjal.pdf
Jerome Sicard, “La lucha contra las falsificaciones: el nuevo reto para el sector de la alimentación”. Alimentaria, nº 452 (2014) 115-117.
Alan Warde, “Food studies and the integration of multiple methods”. Política y Sociedad, Vol 51 nº 1 (2014) 51-72: http://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/POSO/article/view/42487/42443
