Numerous legal bases need to be considered when developing products in the food sector, in terms of both German national law and European legislation. Additionally, various guidelines and guiding principles are used in practice to clarify legal issues. The aim of this overview is to summarize the most important legal bases applicable to food innovations, to outline their possible implications and to facilitate a methodological approach for developers. To begin with, relevant terms like ‘food’, ‘medicinal product’, ‘novel food’ etc. are defined and consideration is given to aspects of hygiene and food safety. This is followed by a focus on the opportunities and limits of food fortifications as well as the use of enzymes, aromas and additives, but also basic information on the potential to mislead through product labelling.
Keywords: food law, food industry, food startups, product innovation, product development, nutriCARD
LINK: http://nutrition-impacts.org/files/2017%20-%20Volkhardt%20et%20al%20-%20english%20version.pdf