Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 9 nº
5 (2017) doi:10.5539/jas.v9n5p1.
Publicado como avance on
line el 15 de abril de 2017
Much has been written about food security, nutrition security and the
ability of people to access their food needs. Food sovereignty and the
associated ability of people to participate in the production, distribution and
consumption decisions of their food have been at the fringe of this discussion.
Linked with this is the debate on the question of pursuing policies of food
self-sufficiency or policies of self-reliance where food imports are considered
a natural extension of food security. Examining the elements of food security
through the food system participation framework of food sovereignty is an
opportunity worthy of further exploration. This paper seeks to add a dimension
to the understanding of food security by considering the value that a food sovereignty
perspective has on the right to access food that is nutritious and safe for
consumption. Current themes are cited and reviewed, and the implications of
both food security and food sovereignty perspectives for the food system are
argued. Agricultural trade liberalisation has benefited some societies and
harmed others. To this end, the Global Strategic Framework (the Framework) on
Food Security and Nutrition has recently incorporated the philosophy of the
food sovereignty movement into its guidelines. The Framework provides an opportunity
to view food security through a lens of food sovereignty providing guidance for
all societies on how to safeguard their food security.
Keywords: food sovereignty, food security, agriculture, political