Preguntas parlamentarias
(febrero-mayo de 2016)
[Lista no exhaustiva]
☆ 2 May 2016
[E-003626-16] Monika Flašíková Beňová
Asunto: Cuts to the European Food Safety Authority budget – The European
Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has been protecting consumers from risks
associated with the food chain since 2002. In its 2020 strategy, however, it
has revealed that, due to financial difficulties, staffing is to be reduced by
10%. Yet the EFSA's workload is increasing in line with the ever growing range
of services it provides, and it is dealing with ever more complex scientific
Is the Commission not concerned that a
reduction to the EFSA budget could jeopardise the quality of food safety
monitoring in the EU and put the safety and health of EU citizens at risk?
Respuesta del Sr. Andriukaitis en nombre de la Comisión
The Commission considers the scientific role of the European Food Safety
Authority (EFSA) as fundamental for the protection of consumers' health in the
area of food safety. The EFSA budget has not been reduced and sufficient
resources are allocated in order for EFSA to fulfil its tasks.
There is a reduction of staff by 10% which has been set in the Commission
Communication on the programming of human resources and financial resources for
decentralised agencies (COM(2013)519 of July 2013. However, EFSA has
been able to take into account this gradual reduction of temporary agents over
the period 2013 to 2018 by streamlining and simplifying its processes and
procedures to realise efficiency gains in order to ensure that the objectives
are met and tasks are accomplished.
In consideration of the importance of the role of the Agency for the
protection of food safety in Europe, the European Commission has always
stressed the need that the budgetary authority of the European Union guarantees
that the Agency retains the necessary budgetary means to effectively perform
its duties.
☆ 25 de
febrero de 2016 [E-001662-16] Ramón Luis
Valcárcel Siso
Asunto: Prácticas
comerciales desleales - ¿Cuándo piensa la Comisión tomar la iniciativa
para desarrollar una legislación europea en esta materia que contemple
sanciones ante las prácticas comerciales desleales a nivel europeo?
Respuesta del Sr. Hogan en nombre de la Comisión
Como respuesta a la difícil situación de los mercados agrícolas y, en
particular, en el caso de la leche y la carne de porcino, la Comisión ha
decidido crear un grupo operativo para los mercados agrícolas que inició sus
actividades en enero de 2016 y facilitará a la Comisión asesoramiento y
conocimientos especializados en relación con el funcionamiento de los mercados
agrícolas y la posición de los agricultores en la cadena alimentaria. El grupo
operativo tratará una amplia gama de cuestiones, como la transparencia de los
mercados, el acceso a los instrumentos financieros y los mercados de futuros,
la celebración de contratos, los instrumentos de autoayuda de los agricultores,
etc. En el otoño de 2016, se presentará un informe final con recomendaciones de