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En el DO de la Unión Europea (Registro de Denominaciones de Origen Protegidas, Indicaciones Geográficas Protegidas, etc.) 8/2015
Milano 14-15/10/2015 "Global Food Law Trends EU, USA, China"
Wednesday, October 14
Session 1 – Global Food law: an open laboratory
9,30 – Milano State University, Aula Crociera Alta
Chairman: prof. Laura Ammannati
- Bricks and stones of the GFL laboratory, prof. Ferdinando
Albisinni (Univ. della Tuscia)
- Culture and science: sifting through the tensions in food law - An
update on US food law - prof. Michael Roberts (UCLA)
- EU: has come the time of the food law simplification ? - prof. Luis González
Vaqué (former Adviser of the DG Markt, European Commission)
- China's New Collaborative Governance and its Challenges on Food
Safety - prof. Peng LIU (School of PA and Policy- Renmin University)
- Science as a Neutral Arbiter? — International Regulatory
Convergence and Divergence - prof. Neal Fortin (MSU)
- Open discussion
- Discussants prof. Paolo Borghi (Univ. Ferrara) prof. Angela Lupone (Univ. Milano)
13,00-15,00 Lunch Break
Session 2 – Cooperation, competition and communication
among legal systems
15,00 – Milano State University, Aula Crociera Alta
Chairman: prof. Antonella Sciarrone
- New EU rules and practices to protect consumers and guarantee fair
competition in the European and International markets, prof. Martin
Holle (Hamburg University)
- International cooperation against food conterfeiture - dott. Stefano
Vaccari (ICQRF – Mipaaf)
- New Trends and top challenges under China new food safety law 2015 -
Yangyao Yu - dr. Edison Tang (Shangai University)
- How to develop a consistent legal system between Chinese local
standards and international practices - prof. Zanlin Ruan – prof.
Shaowei Liu (Shangai University)
- New trends in Turkish Legislation on GIs - avv. Aylin Sule
Songul (Istanbul)
- Genetically Modified Food Labeling in China - prof. Xiao ZHU (Law
School - Renmin University)
- Open discussion – Discussant prof.ssa Marianna Giuffrida (Univ. Messina)
18,30-19,30 Assembly meeting of AIDA-IFLA
Thursday, October 15
Session 3 – Right to food
EXPO – Italian Pavillion*
Chairman: Pres. Livia Pomodoro (Milan Center FLP)
- Wars or food, prof. Luigi
Costato (Univ. Ferrara)
- The agri-food markets: new paradigms,
prof. Antonio Jannarelli (Univ. Bari)
- Right to Food and Common Agricultural
Policy, prof. Paolo De Castro (EU Parliament)*
- Right to food in international
organizations, Milan Center FLP
- Food Justice in perspective –
discussion with L. Costato, A. Jannarelli, M.Roberts, N.Fortin, M.Holle, Y.Yu,
P.Liu, A.Di Lauro, I.Canfora, S.Amorosino
On.le Minister Maurizio Martina* Conclusions:
- La Carta di Milano and the Italian proposal,
*to be confirmed
More information sending a message to: Prof. Avv. Ferdinando Albisinni
Università della Tuscia (VT)
Via Ciro Menotti, 4
00195 ROMA
Università della Tuscia (VT)
Via Ciro Menotti, 4
00195 ROMA
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